Greater Next Area Chapter Bylaws
Article I – Mission of Chapter
To serve and support the United States, the Naval Service, the Naval Academy and its alumni by furthering the highest standards at the Naval Academy; by seeking out, informing, encouraging and assisting outstanding, qualified young men and women to pursue careers as officers in the Navy and Marine Corps through the Naval Academy; and by initiating and sponsoring activities which will perpetuate the history, traditions, memories and growth of the Naval Academy and bind alumni together in support of the highest ideals of command, citizenship and government.
Article II – Name of Chapter
The name of this Chapter shall be the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association of Hawaii (USNA Alumni Association of Hawaii).
Article III – Tax Status of Chapter
Disclaimer: This chapter HAS NOT been established, nor operated under the “charitable organization” or “tax exempt status” of IRS Code 501(c)(3).
Ariticle IV – Goals and Basic Operations of the Chapter
Committees will be created for various events throughout the year. A chairperson will be assigned/volunteer to each committee. The Chairperson is responsible for the planning and execution of each event. The Chairperson may also serve as member of board of director.
Individuals assuming responsibilities of a committee are encouraged to conduct meetings and make contact with various groups, organization, and individuals in order to complete various tasks. The chairperson will assume the full support of the Board of Directors and is acting on behalf of the Association and the Board of Directors.
Chairperson is encouraged to complete mundane tasks in order to achieve their objectives without the permission of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will approve the General Plan.
Each event has the potential to raise funds for the Association. It is encouraged that there is at least a 20% fund generation on top of the total cost of event. For example,
Event Cost: $5000.00
Ticket Sales: $6000.00
The ticket sales exceeded the total cost of the event by 20%, therefore the objective is reached. It is encouraged that each event raises at minimum 20% of the total expense. This example serves as model for event planning.
Article V – Chapter Treasury and Budget
The Chapter Treasury shall be established to facilitate the receipt of funds from Chapter activities and promptly pay Chapter expenses.
The Chapter Treasury will consist of a non-interest bearing Checking account with two signatories (the Treasurer and the President, or his or her designated alternates.)
A portion of any excess funds, beyond those needed to cover operating expenses, above the threshold limit established by the Board to be a comfortable reserve, shall be at the discretion of the Board.
The Treasurer shall establish a yearly Budget and present the Board at the first meeting of the year.
Article VI – Membership Categories in Chapter
The Chapter shall consist of four (4) types of Membership: Full Member, Associate Member, Honorary Member; and Emeritus Member.
Full Member is reserved for United States Naval Academy Alumni Only. Any person who has been sworn in and entered on the rolls as a Midshipman for his, or her class at the Naval Academy (includes graduates and non-graduates) and shoes service has not been terminated under other than honorable conditions, shall be eligible to become a Full Member of the Chapter upon graduation of his, or her class. Membership occurs upon payment of dues. Full membership has full voting privileges.
Associate Member is to include the following: Spouse of Alumni, Widow of Alumni, Significant other of Alumni, and Family of Alumni. They shall be eligible for membership in the Chapter as Associate Members with No Voting privileges unless a member of the Board of Directors. Annual Dues will be assessed.
Honorary Member is an individual who has distinguished themselves in a special way in support of the United States Navy, and the United States Naval Academy. Honorary Members will be selected by the Board of Directors.
Emeritus Member is a special category bestowed upon Chapter Members that have been members in good standing for at least 5 years, and have graduated from the Academy a minimum of 50 years earlier than the present year.
Both Emeritus Members and Honorary Members must be approved by the board.
Article VII – Chapter Dues
The chapter dues will be set annually by the Board of Directors. Dues will be due on 1 February of each year. Individuals missing payment or have become delinquent will be reinstated upon collection of dues.
Article VIII – Chapter Officers and Board of Directors
The board will be responsible for various tasks throughout the year to distribute the workload of Hawaii USNA Alumni volunteers, and effectively plan, organize, communicate, and execute events. Directors on the Board may be filled by non-naval academy graduates. However, the position of the President can only be assumed by a Naval Academy Graduate. All action of the Board of Directors needs to be consistent with the mission of the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association. The Board of Directors will include but not limited to the following positions:
Steve Colon ’81, National Chapter Trustee – Responsible for ensuring a support structure between the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association (USNAAA) and the Hawaii Chapter. Making sure the Hawaii Chapter mission, events, and messaging is inline with the USNAAA. Insure proper networking between the USNAAA and its Hawaii Chapter.
Makani Christensen ‘03, President – Responsible for the strategy and direction of the Hawaii Chapter of theAlumni Association. Ensure a positive environment for volunteers.and encourage max participation of members and board of directors. Define Alumni priorities and funding allocations. Term not to exceed 2 years.
Ted Peck ‘88-Vice President – Oversight of general operations and budget. Ensures the Alumni Association planned events are executed and are properly covered with appropriate volunteers and funding. Provide appropriate leadership to ensure all required tasks are accomplished and manned.
Creighton Ho ’04-Vice President of Money– Responsible for running the treasury of the chapter,. Financial management and oversight of the financial affairs of the Alumni Association. To include basic tasks of reconciling bank statements, selecting a bank, and managing cash flow. Ensure that each event in paid for with funds availalble.
Keno Knieriem ’06- Vice President of Networking– Responsible for ensuring proper connection are established for the Alumni Association. Linking individuals stregths and influences with the functionality of the Association and its mission.
Tom Marzec ’87-Immediate Past President– Serves as the Chair of the Nominating Committee and performs other duties as assigned by Board of Directors. The Immediate Past President office is for a term of one year, beginning on the first day of the calendar year immediately following his/her term as President.
Jeff Laupola ’08-Vice President of Events– Responsible for aiding, planning, and creating events for the Naval Academy Alumni Association. Also help in the success and completion of each event.
Mark Strom ’99-Vice President of Social Media-Responsible for maintaining Social sites such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other pertinent sites. Responsible for posting or encouraging post from various sources and graduates.
Dave Tyler ’68- Vice President of Website Design-Content and Membership- Responsible for the maintenance and content of the website. Will ensure links are live and working, and the site is in good taste. All schedule events are listed on the website. Social media links are linked to the website.
Lauren Hickey ’88- Vice President Young alumni– Networking and informing our young alumni on events and functions held by the Alumni Association and its partners.
Karen Sabog-Presidents Hawaii Parents Club– Responsible for bridging the gap between the Naval Academy Alumni Association of Hawaii and the Parents Club. Ensuring the Naval Academy Alumni Association is involved in activities and events planned by the Parents Club.
John Turner ’93 -Blue and Gold Officer Area Coordinator and Member at Large– Responsible for creating events, recruiting Gold Officers, and creating volunteer opportunities for the Naval Academy Alumni Association of Hawaii. Provides experience, leadership and input in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Derek Frasz ’90-Member at Large – Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Bob Ahrens ’69-Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Tom Hoffman ’81-Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Alma Grocki ’81 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
David Durazzo ’97 -Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Reyn Kaupiko ’08 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Jensin Sommer ’91 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Adrienne Roseti ’04- Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Michelle La Duca ’89 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Brad Rockwell ’93 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Shad Gill ’01 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Mark Dowd ’83 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Jason Grower ‘ 98 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Robyn Walters ’60 -Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association.
Mark Piscioneri ’87 – Member at Large– Provides experience, leadership and input to Board of Directors in efforts to foster growth within the association
The chapter shall be under the management of the above Board Members who shall serve without compensation. Board member shall not have the same responsibility as a board member for more than 5 years.
Article X – Election of Officers
At the first Board meeting every season, the Board shall evaluate the need to fill pending vacant Officer/Board positions.
Incumbent Officers and/or Board Members approaching the end of their nominal two year term, wishing to continue in their present position for an additional term, shall so inform the board at the first meeting.
When possible, for a more seamless transfer, the President and Vice President positions should be replaced in alternating years.
In anticipation of maintaining the nominal two year term limits for Officers, or vacancies occurring for any other reason, the President shall inform the Chapter Members at the first luncheon of the year of which position will need replacing during that seasons, and ask for nominations/volunteers.
The names of all nominees, and/or those seeking extension of their term, shall be provided to the general Membership.
The greatest number of votes wins.
Temporary (limited term) Officers may be appointed by the President in cases of vacancies occurring out of sequence.
Article XI – Amendment to By-Laws and Operating Guidelines
These By-Laws supersede and replace all prior By-laws that may or may not have been created prior to 24 February 2018.
These By-Laws and Operating Guidelines may be amended, repealed, or altered in whole, or in part, by a majority vote of the voting Members attending an organizational meeting, provided the propose changes have been submitted to the Board and the voting Members at least fifteen days before the meeting.
Article XII – Dissolution of Chapter
In the event of dissolution of this Chapter, funds remaining in the treasury after all obligations are paid shall be forwarded to the United States Naval Academy Alumni Association as a donation.
Pending Approval of the Board Members and majority vote of members of the Naval Academy Alumni Association of Hawaii
Makani Christensen ’03
President, USNA Alumni Association of Hawaii